Nilgül has been my personal coach since 2015, and I credit her for the confidence I have developed in the pursuit of my goals.
I have lived in a multinational environment for a decade now. Nilgül helped me to understand what are the real cultural differences, how those effect my life, and what I can do to overcome my resentments and disappointments because of them. After each session I was amazed with her ability to make me realize where my real problems lay, and what I could do to solve them successfully. She led me to a depper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and what resources I have available that can help me to achieve my goals. Thanks to the awareness Nilgul coached me to develop, I feel free and confident, and I am on my way to becoming a painter and a ceramic artist.
She is a very capable and efficient coach, and her immense personal experiences and knowledge have benefited me greatly. Once in a while I still call her for her support and a little push! It is with great pleasure that I can highly recommend her.